LegacySitePackage failed for package [XamlDesignerPackage] UnauthorizedAccessException

If you have VS 2015 or VS 2017 installed and suddenly XAML designer stopped to load with error like below:

LegacySitePackage failed for package [XamlDesignerPackage]Source: 'mscorlib' Description: Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation. System.UnauthorizedAccessException

Or VS Tools - Options - XAML Designer is not opened.

Then it may be possible that perfc.dll file ownership was broken. And even VS that is started as administrator has no chance to open this file.

You have to open perfc.dll file properties and take ownership back. File perfc.dll is located in the Windows folder (%WinDir%). I’ve used my domain user as new file owner. Also I’ve granted modify permissions to the Administrators groups for this file.


XAML designer can be broken in case of any *.dll or *.exe file without permissions were assigned to the user.

To find such files code like this can be used.


